Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Oh, Christmas break. Oh, Christmas break..
i dunoo what comes next. haha.

Finally, i get to relax from my very-busy-hectic-outrageous-no_rest-and-all-other-words-that-go-with-it life in school. i don't like anatomy. i don't like chemistry. These 2 subjects make my world crazy, as of now, in school. I am so tired of answering books, studying and memorizing.

This break, i plan on doing lots of things.
*practice driving
*answer my chem lab manual and do the experiments here
*answer my anatomy book
*make a gift
*do poems and other literary
*update on my friends through friendster
*find things to do
*horse back riding
*tennis (maybe. if i can get my racket)

However, it is my 3rd day here already and i have done absolutely nothing that is on that list. haha. i just wanna sleeeeeeeeeep and watch tv and read and eat and eat and eat. Give me no problems please?

Oh, i'm gonna make a poem that describes my life at this very moment.
wait for it.. wait for it. ha!
i'll post it next time.

got to go.
posted by maikela at Tuesday, December 23, 2008 | 0 comments